EAA’s 2013 Student Impact Project Final Awards Event was held on Saturday, May 14 at the PG&E Auditorium in San Francisco, marking its 13th straight Student Impact Project with exceptional participation by students, volunteer engineers, teachers and dedicated donors. 2013 proved to be the most competitive and energetic event in EAA history, with highlights including: “Memorable Moments 2013”, a video by Haley Bitzer | Guest Speaker Victor Gauthier, Tour Program Manager of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Public Information Office | Key Note Speaker (and iPad hoarder), Ashraf Habibullah, EAA Founder, President & CEO Computers and Structures, Inc | and the first ever on-stage “prom bomb” to one of our participating students!Students were asked to select one of two bridge scenarios and develop a viable bridge solution — A new highway pedestrian bridge in Santa Clara, CA across U.S. Highway 101 to the new stadium, convention center, and amusement park; The Barnegat Bay Main Span Replacement Bridge in Seaside Heights, NJ to replace the existing damaged in Hurricane Sandy. A total of 51 bridges participated in the program, but only Twenty-four finalists made it to the Final Event where they were presented and judged on a combination of viability, innovation, artistic appearance, construction and oral presentations.
In-School Program
More than 200 students from three San Francisco and two East Bay high schools participated in EAA’s 10-week, in-class program. Eleven Bay Area firms provided 25 volunteer structural engineers to teach the weekly curriculum.
Winning Teams
Every student on a winning team received a trophy. The Best in Scenario winning team members also received cash awards and a special boat tour of the new Bay Bridge. The awards and the program were made possible by the generous support of our sponsors.

Cat’s Cradle
Oakland School for the Arts
Scenario 1, Santa Clara, CA
2nd Place
Abraham Lincoln High School
3rd Place
Oakland School for the Arts
1st Place
New Jersey Bird
El Cerrito High School
2nd Place
Alameda Community Learning Center
3rd Place
El Cerrito High School
Ruth Asawa School of the Arts
Sweet Hope
Abraham Lincoln High School
Goal to Gold
Alameda Community Learning Center, Class #1
Purple Moon
El Cerrito High School, Class #4
Victory Lights
Abraham Lincoln High School, Class #1
Nea Community Learning Center
2013 Judges
An eclectic panel of expert architects, artists and engineers provided a broad array of viewpoints this year:
Colin Blaney, SEAONC Board of Directors
Jorge Burbano, Ratcliff Architects
Brittany Sims, Ratcliff Architects
Nicholas Sitar, Edward G. Cahill and John R. Cahill Professor of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
Stephen Thomas, the Oxbow School
Joel Villamil, Marx/Okubo Associates, Inc.
Rob Williamson, Ratcliff Architects
Steve Swearengen, The Architects Office
Nick Bucci, Tipping Mar
2013 School Teams
A total of 51 teams from eight high school classes in San Francisco and the East Bay participated in this year’s SIP. Each school held its own semi-final event to select the top three bridges in each class — 24 finalists — to participate in today’s final awards event.
Congratulations to the 220 students who completed EAA’s 10-week enrichment program.
Abraham Lincoln High School
Teacher: Karen Melander
Student Teams:
Bella Ali: Lily Xie, Angie Tan, Anna Tran, Chloe Siu
Misty Mountains: Tim Lieu, Cody Szeto, Brandon Lao, Chris Le
The Circuit Bridge: Raury Girling, Maya Lennon, Connor Mattingly, Mitchell Lau
Victory Lights: Maggie Luo, Jessica Ma, Eddie Tang, Beagan Nguy
Believe: Christian Szetu, Adrian Miranda, Johnny Lam, Alex Nguyen,
Cloud Nine: Joanna Wong: Hannah Luong, Daniel Ruiz, Sean Fronteras
Infinite Peace: June Herriera, Grace Mo, Justin Wong, Laurence Fu
Sunny Seaside: Leon Hui, Justin Jiang, Chris Maradiaga, Anthony He
Intercept: Samson Zhen, Jonah Tang, Dylan Chen
Seaside Coaster: Eliana Smithstein, Keith Bell, Vanessa Arreola, Mario Krieger-Bergstrom
Sweet Hope: Natalie So, Pauline Shieh, Daryl Chen, Rajiv Sharma
5th Point: Gavin Cheung, Gordon Lam, Johnny Lee, Serina Lui
Wavelength: Angelo Barbic, Alex He, Vivian Fu, Kaitlin Bui
Those Arches: David Merrell, Javier Aguiniga, Richard Amaechi, Steven Lau
Awesome: Meng Ean, Trevor Lee, Billy Kwong
Skywatcher: Rothanak Prak Austin, Eric Chen, Kevin Hom
Skyreach: Alex Han, Donovan Yuen Goh, Marjorie Marcaidauy, Derrick Tat
Whisper of the Heart: Justin Dang, Tami Liang, Hester Lui, Leanne Wong
Incandescent: Anita Tran, Ashley Judilla, Daisy Kuang, Anges Wong
Bloom: Michelle Feng, Annie Ng, Lauren Marquez, Corey French
Dreamboat: Benge Feng, Jonathan Ching, Chauncie Yu, Kiersey Ryan
The Hot Dog: Sadek Twal, Kevin Ly, Henry Li, Hernan Sepulveda
Back Home: Rivandy Junus, Eric Hon, Ricardo De Leon, Jaybee Liang
Blue Planet: Crislan Yambo, Jacky Li, Mason Kearns, Eddie Rong
Alameda Community Learning Center
Teacher: Carlton Grizzle
Student Teams:
Sexy Time: Edward Kennedy-Phelps, Nia Brown, Geraldine Soto
Snooki: Monica Zuianich, Joshua Kringer, Tiaja Harris, Reed McCoy
Huayra: Jorge Sopon, Dean Meyers, Kamron Idrispy, Laurance Ziv
Jersey Shore Memorial Bridge: Holli McWilliams, Danielle Aedo, Hailey Demoon
Novak: Maddy Fisher-Wright, Gabi Lindley, Amie Zwaal, Bobbie Lewis
Seaside Heights Bridge: Dave Reichart, Catherine George, Jack Duffen,
Ashton Paulus
Reverie: Clare Ryan, Sophie Moore, Ellis Teare, Avery Andrews
Gold Blooded: Devin Hom, Billy Chow, Jake Ng, Michael Peng
Paars Hoop: Cami Galt, Catie N., Ellie S., Rowan S.S.
The Shyrim Bridge: Ruby K., Kristina B., Eleanor D., Bruce W.
The Strand: Adam Orla-Bukowski, Luca Santos, Tara Helford, Phillip Yang
Victoria: Josh Morgan, Henry Zhu, Ryan Kelley-Cahill, Megan Lam, Winnie Zhou
El Cerrito High School – El Cerrito
Teacher: Linda O’Connor
Student Teams:
Best Coast Bridge: David Haynes, Justyn Thomas, Aiham Abdallah, Maddie Pine, Maddie Lipson
King Shore Bridge: Jessica Segura Hernandez, Charmi Echeverria, Sarn Saephan, andrew Wizig, Stephanie Munoz
Onda: Jennifer Yu, Lupe Garcia, Jasmine Franklin, Everlyn Leon, Monica Ramsey
Turtle 101: Jake Preston, Amit Shori, Francisco Rivera, Raymond Chu
The Double Take: Logan Crespan, Andrew Reyna, Chandler Florez, Laila Fawzi, Courtney Williams
New Jersey Bird Bridge: Zoey Wolinsky, Xan Marshland, Alex Henry, Amara Hans, Kim Bocanegra
Perseverance: Hanna Goldman, Lucas Lochner Bravo, Simon Cohen, Rose Aphichaithawon
The Great Slingshot 49ers Bridge: Anton Lukanov, Gordon Hung, Marco Carnovali, Andrew Maadelat
The Great J: Kaye Del Mundo, Sonam Choedon, Maria Jaramillo
Purple Moon Bridge: Noelle Kobayashi, Josh Medina, Jessica Buss, Wilson La
Immaculate Conception Academy
Teacher: Gigi Torres
Student Teams:
49er Faithful: Nina Reodica, Marcelina Martinez, Sheridan Devlin, Carissa Gomez, Bethany Morin
Beacon of Hope: Breiann Bolos, Loretta Bonifacio, Angelina Brand, Gloria Ruiz
The Santa Clara Circuit Bridge: Clara Gibson, Jacqueline Gonzalez, Kathleen Aladin, Rothanne Herico, Taylor Benson
Go for Gold: Gabby Lim, Jennifer Ogden, Jassmine Yumul, Michelle Chen
Nea Community Learning Center
Teacher: Jason Huntoon
Student Teams:
Infinity Bridge: Ashley Sims, Shami Carroll, Vaughan Shaw, Gurpreet Morris-Singh
101 Parkway: Robert Tran, Ian Linke, Nick Wai, Wendy (Hui Yi) Chen, Jenny Ng
The Refuge: Alex Chen, Ronald Witt, Brian Zhao, Benny Yu, Kevin Chau
Vonn: Alexis Lee, Griffen Vojvoda, Kai Schniedergers, Andrew (AJ) Bassak, Drake Hayes
Barnegat Bay Memorial Bridge: Adam Clark, Brian Elder, Khalid Anderson, Kevin Chen, Emi Compton
Oakland School for the Arts
Teacher: Ben Nathan
Student Teams:
bridge.jpg: Sara Cooper, Nia Lundkvist, Ace Ahwah, Gabe Bennett, Brandeja Guinn
Cat’s Cradle: Tashaila Garrett, Zoe Turin, Zach Zimmerle, Liam Hardison, Emmalee Johnson-Kao
Den Oåndlig: Quin Sotelo, Gabe Babaoye, Sivan Brodo-Abo, McKenna Lindell-Wright
New Jersey Sky Highway: Jada Banks-Mace, Maureen Ochi Sides, Cole Berliner, Haley Miller, Coni Townsend
The Gateway: Oliver Palmer, Emma Bizzack, Nikos Sueuga, Briana Washington
The Endurance Bridge: Julia Martinez Franks, Maia Flora, Eli Devries, Merlin Veltman
Ruth Asawa School of the Arts
Teacher: Keith Carames
Student Teams:
Microchip Pass: Alex Bulazo, Sean Gray, Cole Kennedy
49ers Bridge: Adriana Martinez, CJ Bauman, Carter Brown
Bont Bridge: Drew Vinson, Jeanette Hays, Rosie Lee
Orizon Bridge: Sydney Gaudreau, Tristan Vaca, Eduardo Nava Ayala
Santa Clara Mountains Bridge: Mohamed Benkelouf, Ari McGuire, Will Rodriguez
Rainbow Bridge: Eva Hernandez, Maia Knesevic, Carlos Sandoval
Quad Pod: Celeste Lavelle, Phoebe Longhi, Sotia Campos Moore, Stephanie Kuhnert
Helix: Reuben Kessler, Tomiyuri Lewis, Seneca Jeffries
San Tomas Achino Fabulous Foot Bridge: Gianluca Bullock, Liam Butler, Carlin Macomber
Jerry Bridge: Gabe Pothier, Glenn Quilici, Cassi Alexander, Ayla Macomber
The Anubis: Jeremy Calica Rodgers, Melissa Rodriguez, Wil Gil
The Gale Bridge: Gabe Moore, Kyra Monterrosa, Jordana Cahen, Arthur London