Embrace New Opportunities for Student Growth
You can bring this fully developed, project-based curriculum to your high school with the help of local industry firms. Volunteer teams of engineering, design and construction professionals lead your students on an 10-week journey of teamwork, public speaking, problem solving and creativity. Along the way, they’ll be exposed to a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) curriculum which highlights the intersection of engineering and the arts.
Contact us to learn how you can bring EAA’s program to your class or school.
Our Student Impact Project (SIP) introduces students to the concepts necessary to design and create a bridge. Each session is led by a security- and background-vetted industry professional using our fully developed curriculum.
Schools and participating teachers are requested to help facilitate the program, including
- Attend an orientation meeting in January.
- Observe and assist as volunteers use a pre-designed, in-depth, multi-disciplinary curriculum with both oral and written components.
- Integrate an 10-week program during the curricular day into any STEAM-related class, including all levels of math, science, architecture, and any visual or performing arts class. (Note that SIP is ideally suited to Sophomore and Junior level classes, but all high school grades are encouraged to participate. Even Freshman teams have won past competitions.)
- Work collaboratively with the volunteer engineers and designers.
Contact us to learn more.
SIP gives engineering,
design and construction
professionals a powerful
way to make a real impact
on the lives and futures of
young students.