EAA Volunteer and Teacher of the Year Awards
Each year, Engineers Alliance for the Arts is proud to honor individual volunteers and teachers that have made a difference in our Student Impact Project. These recipients are presented with an award and receive recognition at the fall SEAONC meeting. We applaud and congratulate all past winners of the awards.
William S. Kaplan Volunteer of the Year
2019: Derek Sereno
2018: Karen Vogt-Wilcox
2017: Charlotte Wong
2016: Dave Miller
2015: Patrick Murren
2014: Clifton Neff
2013: Tayrn Williams
2012: Derrick Lind
2011: Will Kotterman and Laura Whitehurst
EAA Teacher of the Year
2021: Karen Melander
2019: Angelene Warnock
2017: Joseph Alter
2016: Daniel Pasker
2015: Keith Carames
2014: —
2013: Gigi Torres
2012: Linda O’Connor
2011: Karen Melander

Click here to find stories of past award winners.
Volunteers make an impact on the lives and future of young students
Our program would not be possible without the valuable time donated by our generous and talented volunteers. These volunteers take time out of their busy days to nurture, educate, and inspire students to explore careers in engineering and design. They are truly building the future of our industry and we thank them for their efforts.
Katie Boisseree, Degenkolb Engineers
Jamie Brownell, ZFA Structural Engineers
Tom Byrne, Property Capsule
Brylle Cabacungan, KPW Structural
Sudhir Chaudhary, Chaudhary and Associates
Michael Cole, RSA Civil Engineering
Maria Danielides, Maria Danielides Architect
Kelly Dudek, Degenkolb Engineers
Jeremy Edwards, XL Construction Corporation
Louise Foulkes, Build Change
Nate Hall, Tuan & Robinson Structural Engineers
Nicholas Sitar
Ryan Hayashida, Ratcliff Architects
Ian Heid, ZFA Structural Engineers
Darrick Hom, Estructure
Grant Iwamoto, KPW Structural
Robert Keene, Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger
Julia King, RSA Civil Engineering
Amy Kordosky, Degenkolb Engineers
David Lam, Degenkolb Engineers
Rainbow Lin, Degenkolb Engineers
Marshall Ma
Dave Martin, Degenkolb Engineers
Dave Miller, Degenkolb Engineers
Erik Moore, Degenkolb Engineers
Dan Morosan, ZFA Structural
Patrick Murren, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
Megan Nazareno, Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger
Simon Ng, Tuan & Robinson Structural Engineers
Priscilla Nguyen, Degenkolb Engineers
Robert Norton, Nishkian Menninger
Kellen O’Connor, Cushing & Associates
Brian Phan, Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger
Vadim Podrobinok, Vadim Podrobinok Architect
Ariane Rosario, BuroHappold Engineering
Tais Shiratsubaki, Liftech
Curtis Siegfried, Degenkolb Engineers
Derek Serano, ZFA Structural Engineers
Rafael Turcios, RSA Civil Engineering
Dema Tzamaras, Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger
Fen Wang, ZFA Structural Engineers
Jack Wegleitner, Degenkolb Engineers
Karen Vogt-Wilcox, Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger
Isaac Williams, Tipping Structural
Charlotte Wong, Forell Elsesser Engineers
Simon Wong, Degenkolb Engineers
Our Volunteers Hail from these Participating Firms
The Student Impact Project is taught by active engineers, designers and construction professionals. These volunteers donate 100% of their time to teach in classrooms and help students understand their industry. Without the support and encouragement of their employers, they wouldn’t be able to do this important work with so many students.
Below is a list of organizations who have had employee volunteers involved with EAA. We see these fi rms as true leaders in their communities and industry, and we thank them for their continued support of EAA, our participating teachers and students and, especially, their hard working employees who donate so much of their time to make our programs such a success.
Contact us today to learn how to add your organization to this list of generous sponsors and volunteers.
Allana Buick & Bers
CDM Smith
Chaundhary & Associates
Computers and Structures, Inc.
Cornerstone Structural Engineering Group
Cushing Associates
Degenkolb Engineers
DPR Construction
East Bay Municipal Utility District
Forell/Elsesser Engineers, Inc.
Holmes Structures
H.J. Brunnier Associates
HNTB Corporation
Interactive Resources
Jax Kneppers Associates, Inc.
Jon Brody
KPFF Consulting Engineers
KPW Structural Engineers, Inc.
Liftech Consultants Inc.
Luk and Associates
MCG Architecture
Nabih Youssef Associates
Nishkian Menninger
NonMas Architecture
Paradigm Structural Engineers, Inc.
Port of San Francisco
Ratcliff Architects
RDH Building Science, Inc.
RES Engineers
RSA Civil Engineering
Rutherford & Chekene
Sheerline Structural
Signet Testing Labs, Inc.
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH)
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM)
Structural Solutions, Inc.
Structural Vision
Thorton Tomasetti
Tipping Structural Engineers
Vadim Podrobinok Architect
Walker Construction
Walter P Moore and Assoc.
Watry Design
ZFA Structural Engineers