Joseph Alter was given the Teacher of the Year Award. Joseph teaches at the San Francisco Hilltop High School and has completed two years with our program. He has been an innovator in making this program available and interesting to his students. Joseph secured funding to purchase engineering and construction-based children’s books for his students and their children to further interest in the field. Joseph’s enthusiasm for the program has lead to significant efforts and improvement by his students, even with the challenge of English as a second language. Each year, his students have won multiple honors at the Bridge Showcase and Awards Event. Joseph’s passion and enthusiasm for EAA’s programs and his students make him an excellent role model.
Charlotte Wong was given the William Kaplan Volunteer of the Year Award. Charlotte has worked with EAA for over five years and has been the Lead Instructor at Oakland School for the Arts. Her class won the top honor at the 2017 Awards Event — Best in Show. She has navigated through multiple personal changes at OSA and has been the cohesive component of the SIP through the years. She is a role model to the young students in the classroom as well as the instructors on her team. Additionally, she always lends a hand at the Awards Event, suggests improvements for our curriculum, and is a constant supporter of the program. This year, she has even recruited a new school to participate in our program. Charlotte is an engineer at Degenkolb and lives in Berkeley.
Please join us in congratulating Joseph and Charlotte!